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About chops10

  • Birthday 05/10/1998

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  1. chops10


    Did you try big picture mode in steam? That usually works for me. The bindings in game are still that of xbox controller
  2. chops10


    Dualsense works on gp version for me, saw a comment above that said it didn’t
  3. chops10

    Cyberpunk 2077

    I thought that was the best part of it. When the whole world opens up it becomes meh
  4. chops10

    Forza Motorsport

    Will this be always online? Switched to PC recently and am itching for a GT equivalent
  5. In an IT startup, lots of 20s people who game. There’s a ps4 which is always occupied with fifa/mortal kombat
  6. I feel the same. Pre-order a week before or 4 months before, you'll get it the same day
  7. chops10

    Gran Turismo 7

    Daily C on watkins glen is such a blast! Lots of close racing & thankfully haven't faced any rammers. This is my 1st GT, been slowly taking TC & other assists off, & on watkins glen the gr3 cars are exhilarating, so on edge... loving this game right now Anyone here playing GT7..?
  8. chops10

    Gran Turismo 7

    Except when playing online
  9. chops10

    Gran Turismo 7

    Slight contact is 3 second penalty, ruined many great battles
  10. chops10

    Gran Turismo 7

    One of their biggest youtubers is speaking out against this, Is the grind/push to MTX that bad?
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