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Serious Sam 3


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  • 1 month later...

did anyone ever play this game?


i got it during the steam sale for 12$ and played through it last week. it's incredible fun. looks and runs great, more customizable options than you will ever see in a game, it's fast, it's funny and just completely awesome. the game has 12 levels in single player, each between 30-60 minutes with the game coming in at 9-12 hours depending on what you difficulty you play it at. it gets batshit crazy at times, with the last level throwing 1700+ enemies at you in 1 hour. that's right... seventeen hundred enemies to kill in one hour, at an average of about 1 kill every 2 seconds non stop. and it's topped off with the most chaotic final boss fight i have seen in years. seriously pc guys, don't miss out on this game. keep an eye out for a good sale and grab it. and i believe and x360 version has also been announced.

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for comparison purposes, i just fired up hard reset to check my stats. in 4 hour 15 mins, i killed 1282 enemies to complete the game. serious sam 3 has 1741 enemies on one level alone omg people buy this game already!


it's going to be on sale at getgamesgo.com on the 26th or 27th for 10$ only. it's a steamworks game so they will give you a cd key which registers to steam and you can download it from there. also, getgamesgo is a legit site which is run by the eurogamer network. it's where i got my copy of the game too. totally worth it, and you folks had better buy it when the sale happens.

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  • 2 months later...

An obscene number of enemies per level is hardly surprising in an SS game, it's practically the series' usp. I think the record is some 2200 for a certain level in TSE.



The second Serious Sam (SS2 not TSE) is quite an underrated gem as well.

I remember it having some of the most imaginative level themes as well as the music to go along with it.


If anyone remembers the giant-sized level that made you feel like an ant, that one was the best.

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But the second Serious Sam was a bit too cartoony and the dialogues with NPC etc didn't go well with the first two episodes. SS3 is again the step in right direction. The right amount of humor, gore and the perfect graphical upgrade the series needed. Almost every thing is destructible. Amazins stuff. Your gun gets covered with blood on close encounters. Rockets can be used to destroy huge pillars of old monuments. I was dumbstruck when a mini boss started destroying huge a*s pillars with it rockets. I never thought those will fall down and thought that they will provide safe cover. :O

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