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Everything posted by gecko89

  1. Raji 831 Deathloop 1999 RE8 1719 GotG 2599 BF2042 cross gen bundle 3374
  2. Cross gen version is 25% off on PS Store 3374 INR
  3. Hoping for something from embark studios, their teasers look very very good.
  4. Oh, ok. Guess that's fine then, just a matter of download which shouldn't be a problem to majority of users.
  5. So, if someone bought a game and he recieves it early, he can't play it coz the disc is feckin empty. What if he chooses to sell his physical copy some time later, what happens then? There's no initial version of the game on the disc. Supposed to sell a blank disc?! And how do you pass ownership of the game to the buyer?
  6. I'm sure But I genuinely wish to know the purpose behind this.
  7. Thought this was a one off thing that Bethesda pulled with FO76.
  8. Was looking forward to this thanks to Sheridan/Renner combo, but put it on backlog looking at the reviews. Is it complete or any episodes yet to air?
  9. Nevermind, just realised this isn't PvX thread.
  10. Haven't played LoU2 so can't say much about that story. But regarding the UC4 'black lady' . . . a mercenary in peak form vs 2 guys who're getting back into the game after a long time, not that hard to believe imo.
  11. Edit: Just wanna add, ASM2 spidey suit is freakin perfect!!
  12. Bleeding edge Binary foliage Maybe this is fixed in Day 1 patch though.
  13. Oh, agree with you there 100% Not enough people know of this, especially considering how well it's done.
  14. So.. Mortal Shell PS4 to PS5 version is actually free. But either Sony or the game devs have gone out of their way to block the upgrade for PS+ users
  15. Guys I know what it means, was wondering how it's personal if I haven't mentioned anyone. Thank you
  16. Noice, crop the rest of the comment, this causes uproar when I didn't even mention anyone, but people being called nazis is fine. If the mods think I deserve getting banned for that then fine so be it, go ahead, report me mista gatekeeper. Edit: Also, my English is mediocre at best, can someone please tell me how that's personal?!
  17. GT7 is a Sim so apparently it doesn't count as per xbots, so remove flight Sim as well. Ratchet and clank is same as before despite being fun just prettier bottle as per xcucks so remove Forza as well. That leaves Halo infinite, the totally original bleeding edge game with dash and grappling hook!!! MS wins!!
  18. Nazi Ponies celebrating the incredible lineup of PS Console Exclusives.
  19. Love the level of detail in the world this time around, this might even top LoU2.
  20. Underrated?! This thing has almost perfect scores from season 2 to season 5.
  21. Unfortunately no, I think Amazon Prime US has it though. I downloaded it off the bay.
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