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rushab oswal

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rushab oswal last won the day on January 7

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About rushab oswal

  • Birthday 04/17/1995

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  1. No , but is sony getting cocky ? definitely!
  2. 16 is like 75k now XD will get 15 and change next year.
  3. if i dont use the AI , 15 is good enough right ? dont like spending obscene amount of money on phones.
  4. not demon souls , you have check points near bosses. but difficult yes. Esp the last two chapter bosses . The last one totally dis-respects you XD
  5. quality on this are bad. have so many people complain about the ear cushion going bust way too fast.
  6. lemme know when your is shipped il order than, he told will take 7 days after release to ship
  7. as das said he's nothing man XD
  8. I hope sony now pulls the plug on LS crap , and focus what they excel at . SP games for the win.
  9. Done with the main story. banger game . will do the secret ending now XD
  10. No improvement for me honestly. I used pro paid camera apps to , still doesn't best the footage coming out of iphone 12mini my brother uses. It's too noticable when you are doing it for jewellery, colours are all around the place, the focus just doesn't work and is inconsistent. Although I never had overheating issues and i use my phone like a computer 😂 10 things at atime
  11. They should not have nuked the mini, or atlease made it a one in two years/three years thing
  12. i have burned my hands more time with ubisoft games then everything. il wait for sales for this and decide.
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