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rushab oswal

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rushab oswal last won the day on December 6

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About rushab oswal

  • Birthday 04/17/1995

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  1. Lol hyper? some of ya'll really need to grow up and act like adults for once.
  2. dude respectfully stop crapping every thread out there, you and some more people are now seriously getting annoying with your antics. you have the VS thread why not poop there ? i genunely use IVG less because its the same 3-4 people crapping every other thread with Xbox ps nonsense. why not just enjoy the games. are you all adults with kids brains or what ?
  3. how is the first one ? never played such games ! are this too long ? its on sale right now , might spend some money on it
  4. I want a remake , tried playing it multiple times but 30fps is offputting Make this permanent!!!!!!!! no ups for my ps5 , using since launch. runs off the home inverted. mine has shutdown 10-15? times in 4 years (voltage problems , or sometimes no water in batteries of invertor hence unable to hold load). still works fine.
  5. ps5 pro ke paise nae he bhai
  6. Count me in ! Altough this year will be harder than ever to find gifts to give solely because of low posts from members lol
  7. i read about ps5 pro. 2 of my known friends have it fortunately they stay in the US only. Again not widespread, but known. yeah which is why i waited for India launch of PS5
  8. there are mutliple cases of this exact same green screen issue, not widespread but def not one off...
  9. dont know what that means, but i played the game and this is my verdict.
  10. hath bhi mat lagana bhai. looks like a ps3 game , dialouges are thrash and mouths dont sync with what they are talking . i sold it withing 4 hours of playing
  11. Not in shape, lack of discipline . Hope he doesnt go kambli route
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