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gursimar991 last won the day on March 3 2013

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About gursimar991

  • Birthday 06/11/1997

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    New Delhi
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  1. Are PS+ subscription discounts totally random? I just saw a few Indian account holders get 25% off. Some had few days left before existing sub got over, whil some got discount to resub at discount. I never got any such discount this year so far yet Even current sub also got over last week still no offer. Will probably wait for black friday sale !
  2. Is there any oled/Qled/MiniLed around 43" inches? I am not sure if 120Hz and HDMI2.1 is possible in this display size ? I looked up on amazon, fk and found nothing meaningful.
  3. Worthy of an upgrade to pro if one is still rocking the OG?
  4. Finally after so freakin long ! I had lost hopes, after asking so many people regarding what went down at IVG and none of them had any clue whatsoever!! Feels good to be back 😍😍
  5. I have used both gayor essentials black as well as the the other one with no caffeine. Both of them are very well dosed and do the job as intended. So I would highly recommend the same. Just stay away from mango, bubblegum and watermelon flavor as I found them to be are extremely sweet ? (for my taste preference) . Cola and lemonade flavor are still pretty decent though.
  6. I am really surprised, its still showing in stock on amazon /fk atleast
  7. Sorry for noob question but since HFW is mentioned in premium and we get Deluxe here. So do we get access to these games @ Deluxe tier or not?
  8. My amazon prime got expired recently, so was wondering if I can get it for anything lower than ₹1500?
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