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playstationdude last won the day on December 21 2024

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About playstationdude

  • Birthday 09/07/1989

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  1. Personally feel Re village is the best one in the series, re4 remake is a very close second. Id rate 7= 2 > 3
  2. Don't pay attention, its the same nonsense as the puddlegate controversy for SM1. Frustrated xbots looking for reasons to sh*t on ps games.
  3. No it wasn't. I played at launch and it was smooth af even on Graphics mode
  4. Dude, if someone is saying there is an issue there really can be one. You don't need to defend ps 24/7
  5. playstationdude


    I was skeptical initially but the last showcase didn't look bad. Will play it since it's coming to gamepass
  6. Is the VR mode in this game playable on PC? Or exclusive to ps5?
  7. Finished it, one of the best Indiana Jones stories in years. Full marks for story and visuals. I still stand by what i said earlier - This should have been a 3rd person game.
  8. The game needs to support DLSS 4, as of now i dont see any update on my system that allows dlss 4 use on indiana jones, pretty sure its still running dlss 3 (the options menu doesnt specify the version unlike in most games)
  9. I tried FH5. Visually its the prettiest racing game ive ever tried, but the controls put me off. I like racing arcade games like NFS where i dont have to worry about understeer/oversteer, but Horizon 5 plays more like a sim
  10. I tried indiana jones on ultra with full path tracing and dlss (quality), the vram requirements exceeded my 4080 super
  11. If you go for a used one with 2-3 years of warranty you get it for approx 1.5L. But yeah, new one should be 1.8-2L ish, so almost 80% more expensive The 24gb vram vs 16gb will definitely help in maxing out games though. If you're not interested in full path tracing at max settings then yeah 5080 is good
  12. Just curious, why not go for a 4090? It will anyway outperform 5080, plus should be available slightly cheaper now that series 5 is out
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