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Everything posted by CarbonCore

  1. lol even Gran Turismo is bigger than Monhun. Although MHW and MHR made big jumps compared to previous games. Half of the total MH franchise sales are split between MHW and MHR.
  2. The fact that gains by PS5 and Switch were completely offset by "other" platforms tells you how much of a flop "other" platforms were.
  3. The review score part? Yeah that was stupid and self explanatory. Didn't think it needed addressing.
  4. I was answering the "why no one is playing on Xbox" part. Same reason, all the ads only show PS5.
  5. Very little CGI in the show. The clicker that followed Ellie in the car is a gymnast kid too. https://www.instagram.com/skyecowton/?hl=en
  6. The suit cost half a million dollars
  7. CP2077 went above million, crazy launch.
  8. Tbh they did foreshadow it in the last episode when the beard guy told Kathleen to priorities the underground tunnel problem (instead of chasing Henry). Plus notice how all the infected coming out were clickers? They supposedly track and follow the noise coming from top like heavy vehicles driving around and smashing cars.
  9. I read it and tbh I kinda expected given how Harry Potter stories usually go, so no big loss.
  10. Beware if you buy it on Xbox, the game only has 12GB data on disk. Might as well buy digital because the disk is coaster without internet.
  11. Man that gif is so appropriate with what Xbox fans would say "Overall, 125,000 consoles were sold (GfK panel data, not upweighted). PS5 was the leader, with sales up a whopping 98% over January last year" PS5 about 60k (2x last Jan 22) Switch about 40-45k (lower that Jan 22) Xbox about 20k (remaining consoles) Last week was abnormal in Japan because people rushed in to buy XSS before the price jump this week. Watch it really cater to abysmal level, like sub 1000 next week
  12. If VR2 sold as much as WiiU and Vita it would've already sold 2-3x as much as VR1 and would be considered as success. Btw the Xbox number is 20k in UK. We just sold 19k PS5s in India. That's how big of a bomba the Xbox is
  13. So declining in both US and UK. The only consoles that started declining after just 2 years in the market were WiiU, Vita and the Dreamcast
  14. Probably Sledgehammer, crunching to turn the MW2 DLC into its own game.
  15. SX has been out of stock for a while, just trickle drops like we get with PS5. XSS though, because of the price hike next week, everyone who were on the fence rushed out and bought one. The sales are about to crater in Japan, unless they ship out more SX consoles there.
  16. But all episodes start with a flashback. Lost did this too, sometimes in the middle of the episode.
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