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abhi90 last won the day on December 27 2024

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    New Delhi

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    ermm..... something

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  1. Got this amazing gift from my Santa. Goes straight into my brother's of destruction setup lol. Love it. Thanks a lot @KunjanPSD Also got this amazing Lego from him a couple of days back. Can't wait to build my first Lego. Best Santa ever
  2. Got another amazing Gift from my bestest Santa @KunjanPSD. The funko is super awesome and I'll post once I take a better photo of it
  3. I wish! you Santa is a much more awesome person than me Does your Santa mean to say that you smell bad and need a bath
  4. Boyos need some advice. I need to pay off a friend's CC bill. What's the best way to do it? (don't want to use Cred)
  5. Got this amazing chocolate frmo my Santa: Just got one packet last month and it's one of my favourite chocolates to gobble. Love it and it'll be finished in no time.
  6. Oh then do you mean you stay in a different address that's on the passport. Then it would be a fresh apply of the passport with the new address (and supporting document)
  7. Are you going out for a trip or something? Which means that you'll be unavailable for a couple of days!
  8. Stupid delhivery has delayed a gift that I chose for my Banta I hope the other gifts reach on time!
  9. I just got a notification that some yummy chocolates are on my way
  10. Please post the awesome gifts here. Original thread:
  11. New method is: 1. Go to Account Settings 2. Go to Security and Privacy 3. Hide online thingy However camouflage is also good, chaos
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