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Pushy last won the day on February 4

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About Pushy

  • Birthday 12/02/1988

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    playing the f#$%ing Games....

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  1. nXt Vengeance Day Guilia mfk'n Jordayne Grace is NXT what a banger of a main event and ending
  2. hey yo! i wanna keep my phone unlocked on home wifi, r.n. i am using extended unlock and trusted places to home (what this does is even if u lock ur phone, if it's in the trusted location, u won't require to input ur pin/pattern etc. just swipe to unlock). but, what i want to use is, in routines, i wanna set a routine, that if on wifi, then keep phone unlocked, but that n!gga ain't working, and i don't wanna keep tha location ON, tho it's still working with location off for now as i haven't moved my @$$ or in general, i wanna keep mah phone unlocked when on home WiFi, daz eet suckaz, piece out! edit: like there's no official way to keep phone unlocked other than the options mentioned in the Extended Unlock menu i.e. On body, trusted places and trusted devices (via. BT). So, i am using trusted devices and have connected to my desktop. So, whenever i am at home and connected to pc via BT, my phone will remain unlocked, no need to input pin/pattern etc. thing i need to test is, the battery drain when using this feature, cuz location/trusted places require you to keep GPS ON, which i know for a fact is a battery killer, BUT, the s25 is really optimized device, battery backup as i mentioned in the WYBTW thread, is insane for a compact size phone, hence will have to check how battery drain fares w.r.t. BT and GPS methods, will keep BT for now and see how much juice it drinks.
  3. she aged ahead of the Nacha Boi Reek Flaya WOOOOOOOOOO
  4. y is J rasslin' on SD? y is Cody rasslin' despite suffering from xyz injuries (as per his opening segment)? y CF luks so FUGLY? y no Wyatts? y no opening pyro? y sulu cumz out lyk a chicken erriteim? (attacks 4rm behind)
  5. tr00 tr00, i still remember! that monkey at the end of the trailer tho
  6. hubba hubba hubba can't wait to play with Ryu Hayabusa, heck, even i don't know who Hayabusa is and what not, i will be going in blank with this fkr diz and sum other hack n slash games man, gonna be epic 2025
  7. My GoodLock got updated on s25, damn diz hot sucka
  8. This aint no place to discuss it. But yup, fkrs took away bt from s pen, not a deal breaker imo, not many use the features related to that. Again, if u want that bt, s24 Ultra is the option.
  9. Its definitely a good upgrade compared to s22+, if u compare s22+ with s25+, it beats the old f** left right n centre, and its not my opinion, but pure facts, not just on paper, but in real world too. Anyways, you asked for massive differences between s22 series(and Note9 in your quote) and s25 series, i have mentioned them, end of discussion. Usske uppar tumhe jo interpretation karna hain karte baitho.
  10. no u don't, which is exactly what i have explained in my posts above
  11. n!gga, go compare Antutu and geekbench first, n thn sum 3d mark, then talk
  12. Massive in every sense 1. chipset, not just performance, but it's efficient af, that too on standard profile, need to check on light profile 2. UFS storage 4.0 (s22 still has 3.0, s25 has 4.0 throughout, atleast at launch) 3. 12Gb RAM standard across. 3. battery backup in insane af compared to s22 series. (trust me, i am coming from s22, heck, i have s23, this base s25 beats both of them by a great margin) 4. One UI 7. 5. build quality, though it is ligher than both, still feels premium in hand. 6. overall performance. (everything feels, fluid, your eyes can literally feel the smoothness, or maybe it's just the One UI 7 effect, idk, but it is what it is) 7. the ltpo display on this one, has some nice lock unlock transition effect (the default one), pair it with the AOD (animation one) dark theme, looks cool, i know GoodLock is where the epic sh!t at, but will try that on weekend. 8. you'll instantly notice how fast the Camera app is now, even on Video mode, the zoom in zoom out is just instant, like almost no stutter while switching lenses, insane man. also, if u access gallery, just pinch out and scroll down, it's just instant. aur kya batau? idk, like, in every sense it is a visible upgrade(r.n), even to the previous models (unless you went for the high end ones), which is why i mentioned for whom it is a good time to upgrade.
  13. dayumn sunnn...u steel alive mofo been busy in Pardes btw, S25 guys, compact beast with sufficient battery backup, sweet sweet deal ( not at MRP tho, only if u get it at 45k or under 45k - using offers and exchanges n sheetz - otherwise just wait for the price drop, people on s22 or backwards need to change, people on s23 or higher, need not change (don't know about s24 exynos, but i have s23 r.n. and it's holding good enough) )
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