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PhantomShade last won the day on May 24 2022

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    Gaming,PC components,3D Modelling & Animation,Drawing,Food and beautiful women
    also Trolling ;)

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    Monster Hunter World

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  1. Out of the loop, what is this they stopped adding proper games to game pass or something? Is only Indie-Bhindi now served in the Microsoft Langar is what you mean to say?
  2. Lazy art style for the sake of shoe-horning in "diversity" They have a black dude with pointy ears who is an "elf" Grey Warden They have this "qunari" who is basically a human dude with horns, atleast the Big Bad from DA2 in pic there looks different as you can see from normal humans. afaik they have also killed the tactical pause option and perhaps also taking over your patry members or ordering them to use their abilities/spells, just like when they f**ked ME Andromeda. Inquisition was decent but they had to f**k up even from that decent (re)start
  3. Ironic i wanted a sequel for the original for so long and today my PC's GTX 1660 Super can't do this game justice :/ Hope they make a DLC with the smurfs going up against Necrons or the Spelves, Orcs and generic Chaos were covered in the previous one Hope they do an MGR sequel also, it's hopeful since K*nami is making an MGS3 remake and Silent Hills game
  4. Swapped to a 20 Reflex/Cool/Tech build recently Most of the Cyberware is to boost damage and reduce cyberware cooldown on kill for my Katana using Sandevistan, also have Kerenzikov for the guns Using Cool for a stealth pistol build focusing on headshots using Pride pistol + Cestus legendary silencer, Reflex for Sandy-Katana when things get hairy and "stealth" no longer cuts it , I use Byakko mostly but depending on the boss use Errata or Scalpel too NDI Osprey also goes well with cool, nice enough ammo and head/body shots kill most mooks because of the 3 round burst while aiming. Got the Projectile Launch System too since they buffed it in the Tech and Relic trees, good as a "sidearm" in combat
  5. Bought PL a couple of days back, loving it rn. Got bored of normal difficulty, set to very hard, got my a*s kicked and then actually made a proper 2x smart gun & monowire Netrunner build, learnt the new 2.0 netrunner stuff, got all the useful cyberware etc Using Warden SMG, Yinglong SMG to make use of Submachine Fun perk( auto reload on smg swap ) and Ba Xing Chong which is an automatic rocket launcher now Game is gorgeous even on my GTX 1660 Super potato
  6. Went to the store y'day and asked them why it isn't activating said it will take one week from purchase date Today it got activated, got one sms also
  7. Changed those with imgur images, earlier ones were from google photos. What graphics card is that?
  8. Yes. Imagine if they took the chad Kiryu and directly dropped him into turn based combat instead of the frizzy haired, 40 year old schizophrenic man-child from Yakuza 7 Same effect. Atleast you can understand GoW, there were 3 main games, 2 PSP games and one cash-grab game where the combat was multi color blades of chaos I really don't understand what "big changes" people want from a spodey game in terms of combat. I would have bought and played MM also if it wasn't for the obscene price on steam,even on sale.
  9. Last two pages of "combat repetitive" by the folks here is as if this is one of those CoD or FIFA style yearly games. All the GoW( excluding Dad of Boi duology ) games had "repetitive" combat All the Batman Arkham games had repetitive combat. Most of the Yakuza games have repetitive combat
  10. Got a Macbook Air M1 from Reliance Digital physical store for 75999 + Apple Care Plus, also got 2k discount because of ICICI card. The Apple Care Plus hasn't materialized yet but that's a rant for another thread Screen quality is really good, UI looks beautiful I also got Apple TV sub for 3 months free, was watching the new Godzilla wala webseries that came out on Friday, 10/10 video quality, don't know because of Macbook Air screen or Apple TV streams the fabulous high bitrate and high res version to their iDevices only on purpose. Really sucks that my Samsung Galaxy whatever phone has such a*s camera and low light performance, now that the new iPhone 15 has got USB-C and is throwing out that accursed ringer switch and getting in place a normal button, i will buy an iPhone next In another 2-3 years ofc, hopefully by then it will be a reasonable 35-40k
  11. Went today to the store where i bought it from As suggested by the Apple customer service lady and the Reliance cs call center person. The clerk there tells me it takes 1 work-week to activate. Anyway the day i bought this i was setting it up with apple id etc in store itself, some store staff who is the "apple wala" takes a photo of the box having a bar code + some label info about the macbook like serial number and all, and suddenly my device shows registered with purchase date and all with limited warranty etc some mins before it was "upload proof of purchase to verify purchase date" So i find this bullshit about 2 days, 1 week etc bs. btw how to escalate this? next one week i'm too busy with work conference related stuff so don't have the time or energy to go back to the store and argue, is sending the Reliance Digital cs an email the best way? complaining on twitter?
  12. Renewed GP sub just for this, for some reason they gave me the 50rs for 14 days trial so even better Love the combat, it's fast, you actually feel like the Dragon of Dojima this time rather than the Grandpa of Dojima like in Y2 Kiwami or Y6( haven't played that, but people say combat is worse than kiwami ) Agent style combat also reminds me of Rush style, but except spider and serpent the other two gadgets are useless in combat. Don't like the gameplay progression since most of the chapters is grinding the Akame network sidequests and Colisseum, wish the side quests were not related to akame network bs. Love the Castle area and the Chapter 3 final sequence It's really sad that this is the best dragon engine yakuza game in terms of combat but this is allegedly "the last" Kiryu real-time combat game, as opposed to schizophrenic 40 year old manchild turn-based combat that is now the "mainline" game Lastly the price on steam is a scam, 3.8k for this?
  13. So i got a Macbook Air M1 like ~5 days back from Reliance Digital, also got Apple Care Plus, the store clerk said that it would be activated in 2 days time, but even today it shows "Limited Warranty" on the checkcoverage.apple.com website, I have the bill, what should i do, is this a reliance issue or something on Apple's end? I spent 18k on the apple care plus, don't want to lose my moneys
  14. Been 3 years since I played this but skill points don't matter much It's your skill that does You have to git gud at parry otherwise you'll get your a*s handed over to you once you know parry you're good for 90% of the game
  15. Just started playing this, i'm using FL4K for now but is Moze better? wanted someone with abilities like Axton or Salvador from Borderlands 2 Moze's mech can be used automatically like those titanfall mechs or does the active skill make you pilot it for a while?
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