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l33tmaniac last won the day on July 6 2023

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About l33tmaniac

  • Birthday 12/26/1991

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  1. 4070 build for 75k just wont be possible. What all do you need in the build? Everything on the tower or select parts?
  2. Same resolution, but higher ppi due to smaller size. Why did the v1 cause eye strain? If it is because of small text, then lite will only make it worse.
  3. Steam HAS to work. It's high time they unify Windows gaming and Xbox into it's own hybrid OS of sorts. Too much wishful thinking, but it will be insane. Like, have a gaming mode within windows which kind of shuts down unnecessary operating system functions, but offers services and kernel access to the software that is permitted to use it (like Steam, Gamepass, EGS etc). May be incredibly hard if such an OS level compartmentalization doesn't exist, but it will allow them to offer cross compatibility with full blown Windows and also leverage the OEM ecosystem for new devices (and launch their own variant of the device).
  4. https://www.eurogamer.net/sony-studio-firesprite-has-been-shedding-talent-amidst-accusations-of-toxic-culture-staff-say
  5. I stopped using the SD card on learning about the issue
  6. I purchased the STL file and got it printed using a3dxyz. Let me know if you want it - can share the STL file with you. Printing should cost like 500 bucks tops.
  7. Case is not easily available. Just get the 3d printed grips like I did. Makes a world of difference.
  8. Not great. Lasts like 2 hours or a bit more depending on the game. I mostly stream games from the PC - and can do it at 10W TDP. So lasts longer.
  9. Sounds like a good price. It's 8-10k more than what you'd pay for something new purchased directly from Valve (549+tax). Worth getting it unless you know someone who is willing to carry it for you from abroad.
  10. 3dp grips for the Ally with some foam padding. Way more comfortable now.
  11. 20k vs 30k. Forget the Steam deck, even the retroid pocket 3+ is leagues ahead of the PS Portal and it's cheaper to boot.
  12. Prices have tanked. I am seeing 256GB go for as low as low 30k. 64gb even lesser
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