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Ethan_Hunt last won the day on April 1 2018

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About Ethan_Hunt

  • Birthday 02/07/1985

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    Bombay, India

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    Agent Spencer
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    Monster Hunter Rise

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  1. Combat demo out now. Downloading on Steam first.
  2. I've played all their previous games and this was the only one remaining. I'm assuming the game still has the 30 frames lock on consoles, which is such a shame.
  3. Holy Sh*t! Legendary month. Time to try Quarry out.
  4. Ethan_Hunt

    Persona 5

    Ah, then it makes sense. The recent one had all the DLCs and that 100K bonus. Yeah that's the standard texts you'll always get from them. However, if you're very close to the deadline, Morgana warns you with a different dialogue or at least that's what someone told me when I started the game.
  5. Ethan_Hunt

    Persona 5

    That's odd. I didn't have any previous save file and still got it. Is this Persona 5 Royal for PS4 or the newly released PS5 version? On the final day you mean prior to the deadline? As for the treasure chest you missed, don't worry, nothing too important would be there in the early game that you can't make up for later.
  6. In what sense? The gameplay? Atmosphere?
  7. Please tell me someone remembers this track. Used to have epic LAN sessions and this track was in DM Turbine map was the ultimate rush.
  8. Ethan_Hunt

    Persona 5

    I believe in Royal, Morgana warns you once you're close to the deadline and you'll also keep receiving text from your party members asking you to head to the palace. It's fine if you want to build your social links for a week after receiving the initial deadline. Just keep the final week reserved to complete your palace activities. In the early game, there is very less benefit to putting off the palace completion ASAP as the Personas are pretty low level and your fusions will have better effect once you reach the second palace and get the hang of the mechanics. So it's a thumb rule to always complete the palace upon receiving the deadline and work on your social activities in the free time to boost up your confidants and other stats. Did you get the 100K Yen from your room's box? It's a decent sum as a part of the starter pack. You can buy some healing items from Takemi's clinic (once she unlocks on 18th April).
  9. Ethan_Hunt

    Atomic Heart

    Finally, some decent requirements for PC and good console performance mode options. Forwoken's performance had really boggled my mind.
  10. Man watching it (RDR) run at 4K 60fps on Xenia feels like the proper remaster we always wanted. Just need sell your kidney to afford an RTX4090.
  11. Ethan_Hunt

    Persona 5

    That is totally understandable and exactly something that my brother does. He waits for me to completed an RPG and uses the NG+ option to carry my save over. In that case, this game has a perfect option for you. Pick the 'Safety' difficulty and it will essentially just revive you with full health and MP if you ever die during any battle, with the enemies health being where it was when you died. You can just have fun cruising along the combat with this mode.
  12. Ethan_Hunt

    Persona 5

    Ah I see. Don't get me wrong, that's just how I'm wired and usually tend to over prepare for some reason. You don't have to follow it to that extent.
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