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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/23 in Posts
4 points
Sony studios ready to catch all the talent that was let go today.3 points
3 points
Lol, nice theory. Company doing a layoff just like every other tech company in a looming recession amid sales degrowth and you think it would have been avoided if the company didn't do an acquisition? I mean, put some effort in to spread false information. Understand how tech cycles work.2 points
343 has too many employees. They are being reshuffled. Infinite is gonna be in a great shape soon. I will re download it then.2 points
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I can vouch for it. I watched the first episode and the very next day picked up the PS5 'remake', even though I have a huge backlog.2 points
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There are 10 people in the league now, so I have made a head-to-head table as well. I believe it will be more interesting than the normal league. I have made H2H fixtures for all 38 GWs and 19 of those have already been played. Chirag ( @North ) is leading in both leagues @Sanwal @Big Boss @SarwaanM @SchneideR@Banz @MadridistaLove @Mr.Copyright© ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tables for H2H competition: H2H Standings H2H Fixtures ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for confirming. Added you to the tables as well2 points
This just showcases how Xbox team is unable to manage their studios. Cutting 10k jobs which could have been saved if they back off of the Activision takeover. It’s not about human capital for them, it’s just the IPs terrible1 point
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Explore a world of clashing ideals in Project: The Perceiver, a Chinese Open World Action Game Platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 Developers: Papergames, 17ZHE Studio Publisher: Papergames Genres: Action game, Adventure game, Fighting game Engine: Unreal Engine 5 Official Gameplay Trailer Giving Sekiro/Ghost of Tsushima vibes. Developer Gameplay Intro Chinese me hai, kuch samaj aaye to bata dena.. https://perceiver.infoldgames.com/home The game is still under development. Stay tuned for updates!1 point
In brief, and in no particular order, Combat and gameplay is generally better than GOW 2018. It’s not just more of the same, they’ve added genuine tweaks, though I believe there are fewer findables for builds but maybe I’m mistaken here. Storytelling was off. There are many beautiful moments in the game, and many genuinely enjoyable set pieces. But they’re not as impactful. Kratos has had some estrogen injections it seems, because the character just did not add up. I liked how later on Kratos frequently asks Atreus to “lead”. I felt genuine rage when Brok was killed, which, if you think about it, was the only real bad-a*s in the game. Along with Lunda and that other dwarf in Svartalfheim who tells the god of war to f**k off from his office I also liked how Sindri was the one to hammer Odin’s soul marble. Made me laugh, in a good way. It took me ~60 hours to complete, with Vanaheim and Alfheim sucking up most of the time outside of the story. Speaking of, Vanaheim is quite beautiful, and genuinely annoying with the goddamn plants. Freya, do something and communicate with them, will you? Also the wishing well was quite pretty. The boss fights were.. okay. Expected better and more varied boss fights with Thor and Odin, specially with the build-up till the final act. I think the build-up from after Brok’s murder till you actually enter Asgard is my favourite part of the game. Still stupid, but the narrative suddenly changes from “no war” to “Ragnarok must happen” just because Odin tricked them and killed Brok? What? Or am I missing something? Liked playing with Loki initially, and the added agility and swiftness were appreciated, but his sections are just… boring. The game was too long. Some of the traversal is so shitty. Like I can’t get up to that ledge because a tinker-y metal plate is covering the hook point which I need to kick down from the top? Ugh. What did Surtr do exactly? Heimdall was fun, and funny My two gripes with the 2018 game were: field of view and game length. They’re both as bad or worse in this one. The game is too long, and feels disjointed. And battling more than a single enemy, even minnows, was at best tricky, and at worst quite annoying. None of the one on one bosses, or even the few berserkers I faced gave me any trouble. However fill the arena with half a dozen Einherjars, and it gets stupidly annoying fast. Battling scores of enemies and epic bosses was what the original game excelled at, right from the first on the PS2. Which, also, every game that Kratos has his gained abilities reduced was because he dies or something to that effect. Why did he not start with previous game’s gained abilities here? Could’ve used Thor’s first battle this way. Finally, I put on the 2018 GOW on the PS4 on another HDMI port just to get a feel of the difference side by side, and I couldn’t play for more than a few minutes. Which leads me to the biggest takeaway for me from this game: always, always, “favour performance”. edit: a bit late, but how goddamn hot was Sif? Well done Thor 8/101 point
I hope not bro, it's one fancy game I'm looking forward. There's another game called perceiver, made by chinese devs. Giving sekiro/ghost of tsushima vibes. Quite interesting.1 point
Yep, it's the only game installed in my PS5 right now. Jump right into action, no press this, continue that BS. Going to stay for a long time unless something better can replace it.1 point
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Forbidden West Collector’s Edition. Found it from a local seller at a good price.1 point
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